A Life ANALYSIS should be done regularly!

Why your life needs a strategy and some analysis too…

I used to spend hours analyzing business strategy and processes for the companies that I worked in and consulted for. I LOVED it. Nothing like some numbers, deep thinking and creating strategy to get the blood pumping.

What’s fascinating though is this…in all of those years that I worked in corporate, never once in that time did I do a LIFE ANALYSIS. I didn’t crunch the numbers of my life (besides the budget), I didn’t spend time really thinking about the outcomes that I wanted and I didn’t create a methodical process and procedure to live the LIFE I WANT. I did it for a business but not for me.

I knew I wasn’t where I wanted to be but I didn’t take the time to really figure out what I truly wanted, my reason why and then how I was going to get there.

I didn’t apply my resources (time, energy, effort and money) to my life in the same way that I would plan something for a business.

I knew what I wanted but I didn’t have a strategy or plan to get there.

(Hint: I sure as hell do it now though. And my life has radically changed because of it.)

Time for a little LIFE ANALYSIS. Answer these questions truthfully (no one needs to know but you):

1. Are you where you want to be in your relationships with your partner, children, family and friends?
2. Are you where you want to be in your career or business?
3. Are you making the money that you want so that you can have the things that you want and the financial foundation that you desire?
4. Are you physically healthy and fit? Do you have enough energy to tackle your day? Do you have the body that you want?
5. Are you living based on your purpose (meaning are the majority of your daily actions fulfilling your purpose)?

If you answered no or kind of to any of these questions, here is what you do next:

  • Grab a pen and paper and on the left hand side right down the area of your life that you are not where you want to be at yet.
  • Next to that, write what you TRULY WANT (not a pie in the sky dream or keeping up with the Jone’s desire but what you want and feels right to you).
  • Next to that, write down the first 3 steps you must take to make it happen. Don’t make them huge leaps, make them significant steps towards what you truly want.
  • And finally, write down what amount of time, energy, effort and money you need to begin to take action.

That is your first step to creating a strategy for your life.

You stated and analyzed your current position,
you know what your goal and outcome is that you want and
you are beginning to outline what you must do to get there.

Now, it’s up to you.

Only you can take action to get what you want in your life.

If you need help, if you would like some support and a structure and framework to do this and if you need some accountability, the “Who do I need to BECOME” online program may be a perfect fit for you. It is 4-weeks of emails, videos and audios along with support in a private FB group, a $97 investment in you and a structure and strategy with specific tools and techniques like this so that you can begin to live the life you want. Click here to learn more and to sign up to shift the trajectory of your life.

Here is a couple of the latest podcasts for your listening pleasure and some motivation:
Episode 32: You always have a CHOICE

Episode 29: Did our grandparents hustle or just do the work?

Click on the episode to listen or to hear all of the episodes subscribe to Ninja Jill KNOWS on iTunes by clicking here.

You can’t get to where you are going by not first knowing where you are at.

Complete the LIFE ANALYSIS and then start TAKING ACTION to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT.

Live POWERfully, do YOU!

Jill (your Energetic Ninja with a BComm)

Do you ALWAYS have a CHOICE?

I know that your most immediate answer is more than likely no but the real answer is….YES.

ALWAYS yes. There is always a choice.

You just may not like the outcome of choice but you always have a choice. You can choose not to take the action that you don’t like but that is still a choice.

The moment you ACCEPT this (that there is always a choice)…

You will STOP being a victim.

The circumstance will cease to drain your PERSONAL POWER and

you will STRENGTHEN your mindset.

There is ALWAYS a choice. 

Choose to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT.

This short video shows the moment that I realized that I still did have a choice…click here to watch and to dive a little deeper into why there is always a choice, listen to this podcast episode of Ninja Jill KNOWS.